How I’m writing Serverless services in Golang
Service discovery allows you to register the location of services, with a user friendly name, so that you can find other services by name. AWS provides a Serverless offering for this, called Cloudmap
The most important lesson I hope you take away from this, however, is protecting your business logic from the sea of AWS services and technologies. Treat Lambda as an unimportant detail, treat DynamoDB as an unimportant detail
Make resilient Go net/http servers using timeouts, deadlines and context cancellation Initialize
server with timeouts:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
srv := &http.Server{ ReadTimeout: 1 * time.Second, WriteTimeout: 1 * time.Second, IdleTimeout: 30 * time.Second, ReadHeaderTimeout: 2 * time.Second, TLSConfig: tlsConfig, Handler: srvMux, }
- the
packages provide aTimeoutHandler
- it returns a handler that runs a handler within the given time limit
- use
to be aware of request
- the
ORY is the open source and cloud native identity infrastructure. ORY is written in Go and open standards and consensus are the foundation. It is language and platform independent, extremely lightweight, starts up in seconds and doesn’t interfere with your code
Inspired by Google’s BeyondCorp
TODO ory ecosystem
- API Gateway Authorizer Blueprint in Golang
- API Gateway Custom Authorizer
- A simple AWS API Gateway Authoriser in Go
- expressive DynamoDB library for Go
- Getting started with CDK and Golang
- Using AWS CDK to configure deploy a Golang Lambda with API Gateway
Pre-requisites to use the go-layer inside spacemacs
doom emacs
will create CTAGS
files to global. For Go you can use gogtags to
generate the files. It also works well with helm-gtags.
Code Examples
Code Style
- Cleaner go code with golines
- Effective Go (golang.org)
- Darker Corners of Go
- covers most of the 101 topics beginners should know about Golang
Clean Code Examples
- github.com/ahmetb/kubectx
- github.com/gojek/heimdall
- github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum
- github.com/drone/drone
- github.com/google/exposure-notifications-server
- A recap of request handling in Go
- Diving deep into net/http : A look at http.RoundTripper
- Dissecting golang’s HandlerFunc, Handle and DefaultServeMux
- Requests richtig verarbeiten: Keine Sorge beim Multiplexen in Go
- How to handle signals with Go to graceful shutdown HTTP server
- Life of an HTTP request in a Go server - Eli Bendersky’s website
Context provides a means of transmitting deadlines, caller cancellations, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes. It is often used when a library interacts — directly or transitively — with remote servers, such as databases, APIs
When designing an API with context, remember the advice: pass
in as an argument; don’t store it in structs.
- slack-go/slack examples
- Create a Slack bot using Golang
- Write an interactive message bot for Slack in Golang
- full code: go-slack-interactive
- bot tokens
- slack-message-builder
- message attachments
- block kit builder
- Frameworks
- github.com/go-chat-bot/bot
- IRC, SLACK, Telegram and RocketChat bot written in Go
- github.com/alexandre-normand/slackscot
- Slack bot core/framework written in Go with support for reactions to message updates/deletes
- How I Structure Go Packages Some great advice about logging and package structure
- Go best practices, 6 years in
- Learn go with test-driven development (TDD)
- Testing Go services using interfaces (deliveroo)
- Building and Testing a REST API in GoLang using Gorilla Mux and MySQL
- Testing with GoMock: A Tutorial - codecentric AG Blog
- GoMock vs. Testify: Mocking frameworks for Go
- learn how to use
- 3 classes fo failures:
- Unexpected calls
- Missing calls (expected, but not occurred)
- Expected calls with unexpected parameter values
- learn how to use
- Golang basics - writing unit tests
- Testing HTTP Handlers in Go
- Testing Clients to an HTTP API in Go
- Writing good unit tests for SOLID go
- structs will depend on interfaces instead of structs (easy for dependency injection)
- What should be tested:
- when testing, you can think of it as sending and receiving messages
- incoming messages refer to calls to methods
- outgoing messages refers to calls from the tested object on its dependencies
- most people go first to integration tests
- Testing Go at Stream
- Using Go Interfaces for Testable Code - The Startup - Medium
- using interfaces for stubbing
- 2020-05 | How I write my unit tests in Go quickly
- on dependency injection
- duck typing interfaces
- BDD (Behaviour Driven Development)
- More on TDD
Great resources:
- github.com/quii/learn-go-with-tests
- leanpub.com/golang-tdd/read
- really good explanations
gojson: Automatically generate Go (golang) struct definitions from example JSON
go-spew: Implements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to aid in debugging
Godocgen is an app built using Go programming language to generate Go module package’s documentations. It parses the packages documentation data and facilitates custom rendering, enabling Gopher to use other hosting solution like Hugo to host the documents.
3mux: Terminal multiplexer inspired by i3
tspur: Terminal Screen with Protected User Records (TSPUR)
- This tool instantly converts JSON into a Go type definition
About Go logging for reusable packages
Use some global variadic function:
1 2 3 4 5
package mypkg // LogFunc is a function that logs the provided message with optional // fmt.Sprintf-style arguments. By default, logs to the default log.Logger. var LogFunc func(string, ...interface{}) = log.Printf
- Some tips:
- Never log in a package that isn’t main
- Don’t log things if the program is operating normally
- only log in package main
- Some tips:
- Zombie Zen - How I packaged a Go program for Windows and Linux
- Packages as layers, not groups
- How to think of your modules as layers and not as groups
- by Ben Johnson (wo wrote the standard package layout)
- How to Structure a Go Command-Line Project
- Go best practices, six years in
- Nice elegant solution using aliases, e.g.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
func (u *MyUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { type Alias MyUser return json.Marshal(&struct { LastSeen int64 `json:"lastSeen"` *Alias }{ LastSeen: u.LastSeen.Unix(), Alias: (*Alias)(u), }) }
Golang JSON Serialization With Interfaces
- Working with plants and animals
- adds extra field
to know which struct to use
Is there a way to have json.Unmarshal() select struct type based on “type” property?
- how to do deserialization when field is a list of interfaces
- implement
on slice of interfaces - Example with []vehicle
- Security assessment techniques for go projects
- static analysis, fuzzing, dynamic testing etc.
- CSRF Attacks
- Implementing CSRF, auth handler
- github.com/sysdream/hershell
- github.com/sysdream/chashell
- using DNS as reverse shell
- github.com/sysdream/ligolo
- github.com/gnxbr/Unbreakable-Botnet-C2
- using Blockchains for communication channel
- Vugu
- A modern UI library for Go+WebAssembly